Clinton in the White House.

Sometimes I have dreams that seem like a precognitive dream, but aren't. One such dream is that I was in the White House during the celebrations with Hilary Clinton, as she becomes President. I sat next to her with members of the press and some of her advisers. I was trying to talk to her, but I was interrupted. But I also seemed to whisper something to her. I don't remember what. I was then in the garden smoking with some of the kitchen staff, when some members of my family joined me and then we went into a dining hall and sat down to eat fried chicken and coleslaw on a buffet table.

I had a different experience with Trump however. As I have written in an earlier post, I had a vision way back in the mid-nineties, of Trumps face and a voice saying 'this is the enemy'. I am 60-70% sure that the face I saw was Trump, as he was back then. This would imply that he wins the Presidency and goes on to create trouble which leads to an apocalyptic event, maybe a war or some other major global catastrophe.

What actually happens will not materialise until the election. The fact that I had a dream about Clinton in the White House, does not mean that it was precognitive however. As for the election at this stage I would not want to call it and wouldn't try to.

Read more from B.C.Bamber: The Apocalypse and the True Nature of God


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