The Truth Will Overwhelm You.

One day, in some far off place and time, someone, or maybe some humanoid AI robot, will make a discovery about the universe and its origins, purpose and inner workings which will be so overwhelming, terrifying and wonderful, that once you get it, once you understand it, it will make you cry. And not just welling up a little. A long exhaling wail. Loud and long. The hairs on your whole body will stand up on end, a massive total body, tingling sensation will pass through you. I know this because I have already seen the truth. I know little about it. I just don’t know how to get to the truth. It is shrouded, covered in the thick fog of understanding and confusion. I can feel it, I have seen it, but the science that is needed to bring to a wider audience is missing. Maybe I’m not smart enough, or maybe I don’t have the cosmological and physics knowledge to piece it together? I know that God is at the centre of it. But he is not a person or a being, or a he. It is an ‘it’. It has no need for sexual reproduction. It was there at the beginning of time. It is spread throughout the universe. It evolves just like we do, but knows its destination, unlike us.

The universe is changing all the time. Somewhere at its centre is an orb, or a planet or a special kind of star. And around it are souls. Souls of all kinds. It can see us, through a process I call ‘picture building’. It touches millions of souls, for fractions of a second, before moving on to someone else and over time it builds a picture of what’s happening in the universe. We are connected to this system. It has weather systems. Fronts, storms, souls moving collectively up and collectively down. The system cannot easily intervene in the lives of the souls it interacts with. It relies on pre-ordained interventions. This relies on what I call, ‘Mountain Souls’. People who make a big impact on human history. I’m sure you can think of a list of those kinds of people, quite easily. Good people and bad.
Each soul is made up of layers like an onion of its past lives and a soul can be born into life, or it could remain dormant for years. It depends on what is happening around it, whether there is enough electrical energy to spark it into life and it also depends on other souls around it.

I saw most of the above in visions and dreams. And this is a summarised explanation of all I know. I have battled for almost 25 years to expand and develop these ideas, but I simply do not have the knowledge to do this. Somewhere in the knowledge we already have are some more developments to the ideas. You can call on every scientific branch there is to build this knowledge. Medicine, biology, psychology, geology, meteorology, physics, cosmology, theology – basically all the ologies. But like I said, I cannot explain all of what I saw. Some of it was a feeling of what it is, like a sense, like all my senses at once, being lit up, like a bonfire. I don’t think I’m alone either. I think others have sensed the truth and also don’t know how to process and explain it. And I also believe that it will be a long time before this truth is fully revealed. For now it is apocryphal. And that’s the way it will stay for now. Seeing, feeling and knowing this stuff, is the most frightening thing that ever happened to me, despite the feelings of sheer joy. I couldn't tell you how you could access it the way I did. The path I choose has ruined my health and a result I will die young. That is not a path I could recommend to anyone.

The True Nature of God

The Apocalypse and the True Nature of God


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