Flash Floods.
Dream - 26/05/2016 - I was driving home up a hill. When I arrived at the top of the hill I could see a cascade of flood water and a car in trouble ahead. The network of single track roads across a plain, were being washed away. I turned round through the flood waters and began to drive back down the hill. The flood waters got so deep that it picked up a camper van and moved it around a swirling torrent. I turned off this road and into a school. In the school I found children and volunteer disaster management wardens, and elderly people gathering there from a nearby old peoples home. I spoke to some of the wardens, as the flood waters gathered around the school.
This dream could be a prediction of flooding in the UK, probably this summer - addition: 03/06/16 - days after this dream, massive floods have hit France and Germany.
The Apocalypse and the True Nature of God http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014T4XEZA
This dream could be a prediction of flooding in the UK, probably this summer - addition: 03/06/16 - days after this dream, massive floods have hit France and Germany.
The Apocalypse and the True Nature of God http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014T4XEZA
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