243. Climate Change Negotiations: 01/07/09. - COP21 Prediction

Dream number 243 in Dream Diary - 01/07/09:

I had this dream in 2009 which seems to predict a breakthrough led by the French - COP21.

"I came late to the negotiations with lots of ideas and began telling the assembled room of high level government ministers what I thought. Sat next to me was the French minister. He nudged me and from under the desk he produced a well written comprehensive plan to deal with the carbon pollution problem. It was such an excellent plan that I was blown away by it. I sat back and let him take over. As I looked across at the dossier I could see maps of heat and carbon over-laid, over time. It clearly showed the economic and practical solutions needed. I tried to argue that these were only predictions and could not be relied upon. But I had to admit it was stunning in its simplicity."


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