
Showing posts from May, 2016

Flash Floods.

Dream - 26/05/2016 - I was driving home up a hill. When I arrived at the top of the hill I could see a cascade of flood water and a car in trouble ahead. The network of single track roads across a plain, were being washed away. I turned round through the flood waters and began to drive back down the hill. The flood waters got so deep that it picked up a camper van and moved it around a swirling torrent. I turned off this road and into a school. In the school I found children and volunteer disaster management wardens, and elderly people gathering there from a nearby old peoples home. I spoke to some of the wardens, as the flood waters gathered around the school. This dream could be a prediction of flooding in the UK, probably this summer - addition: 03/06/16 - days after this dream, massive floods have hit France and Germany. The Apocalypse and the True Nature of God

Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ?

I've been watching a new TV series called Damien, based on the film The Omen. In it he is made aware of the fact that he is the Beast predicted in the Bible. Way back in 1997/8 I had a hypnopompic vision (a kind of waking dream) where I was shown the face of a man, and then a voice said 'this is the enemy'. I was a regular at church at the time and 'the enemy' is either the Devil or The Beast in his human form. I only have an almost twenty year old memory of this face and I have been on the look out for this man. Sometimes like an electronic picture file, there is more information in an visions than just the image and sounds themselves. There is feelings and intuitions as well. I felt at the time that this man was American and he was from a family of privilege. Many people in the US believe that The Beast will be European, that he will try to create and run a 'world government'. That he will somehow know who he is. None of these aspects are necessarily t...