
Showing posts from October, 2012

Amazon Shifts Its Policy - Because of Me?

Amazon is a very large global business. Everyone knows that, particularly if you're in the publishing business. But as I explained a few months back, I was attacked by users of an Amazon sci-fi forum and made the mistake of arguing with them. They then started posting negative stuff on one of my book pages, claiming my work was no good, despite the fact they'd never bought or read it. I wrote a long letter of complaint to Amazon's legal department. They consequently removed the comments. Obviously I was pleased about that. But then I discovered recently that they have now changed their policy, world-wide, so that people who have not bought the book they're commenting on, cannot post comments, reviews and so on, unless that book is listed on the books they've purchased through their account. In my letter I suggested that they should do this. And they have done it. Whether it was because of my complaint to them, who knows? But at least it stops those who wish to do da...

The Dalit Caste Writer.

I wanted to be a writer since I was seventeen. For a lot of reasons I decided not to pursue a formal route into writing. Sending manuscripts to agents and publishers, seemed a pointless task. Agents don't read your work, and even if they do, it's still very hard to get their backing. It is a tough business, with thousands of people wanting to become writers and only a few being able to do so. But every single person I have ever spoken to in the industry has been rude, ignorant, unhelpful and mean spirited and very rarely do they read work you send them. They still believe, however, that they have the right to insult your work - work they haven't read. This puts me squarely into the Dalit class of the publishing industry. I am a self publisher for a start. That's a massive handicap. My books are POD printed. That's another industry no no. I haven't got a degree from Oxbridge and I am not connected in any way to industry insiders. This puts me into an untouchable ...

The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law

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Cheltenham Literature Festival Begins Today

The tents are up and people will be arriving for the first events soon. I will venture out and put some fliers in some local cafes including All Bar One, and the little art gallery if they'll let me, plus Montpellier Gardens cafe. Friendly staff there, one of whom read my book The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law. He seemed to like it. Vast and Grue: