The Apocalypse and The True Nature of God

The Apocalypse and The True Nature of God - During a period between 1995 and 2003 I had many visions, dreams and other experiences of future events. I saw the 9/11 attacks in fine detail during this period up to 4 days before the event. The following are extracts from my dream diary: 16. A Vision of the Destruction of the Pentagon. I was sat at the edge of my bed and as I moved over to climb into bed, I glanced down at the floor. As I looked, I saw an image of the Pentagon collaspe. I was shocked and frightened by the vision. 17. A Dream of the Twin Towers. It was a very vivid dream which began with a walk around a village. In the village was a large modern housing estate. I was talking to residents as I walked round. I then began to walk up a hill, towards a very large wide road which led up the hill. The village was Stroud in Gloucestershire. As I struggled up the hill I reached the top and looked down on the modern housing e...