Side Effects (2013).

I half expected a film about the terrible side effects of modern psychiatric drugs – a kind documentary style film about the pharmaceutical industry. Even though it was actually a thriller, I wasn’t too disappointed. This is a clever film, with twists and turns, some of which I guessed, most of which I didn’t. Catherine Zeta-Jones, not my favourite actress, put in an excellent performance, capturing the scheming and patronising psychiatrist manipulating Jude Law and using the vulnerable, but mentally unstable siren, Rooney Mara; an actress I have not seen before in any other films. Steven Soderburgh has once again, presented an interesting, topical film, which isn’t over cooked, nor is it boring or clichéd. It is also another great moment for British actors working in the US. An excellent film. 4 out of 5 for this one. Don’t forget to visit my main website: